When Roof Flashing Fails: What You Need to Know

Roof flashing plays an important role in keeping your roof and home protected from water damage. If not maintained, it may start showing signs of failure, which may then compromise the system’s longevity and weather performance. In this blog post, roofing and siding contractor Pritchett Roofing, Inc. discusses the causes of roof flashing failure, as well as signs indicating this problem and solutions for addressing them.

What Causes Roof Flashing to Fail?

Roof flashing failure occurs because of the following factors:

  • Poor installation. The roofers behind the installation may not have the right experience to ensure all of the roof’s components are installed properly, including the flashings.
  • Cheap or faulty materials. The inexperienced roofers may have used low-quality flashing materials, which are prone to deteriorating faster. This, in turn, decreases the roof’s protection against water infiltration, which could lead to its premature failure over time.
  • A lack of maintenance. Even with proper installation and good-quality materials, regular inspections and maintenance are still necessary. This way, you can stay ahead of minor issues before they become major ones down the line.

What Are the Signs of Roof Flashing Failure?

Here are some of the ways you can tell your flashing is starting to fail:

  • Leaks around skylights, vent stacks and chimneys
  • Dark stains on interior walls or ceilings below the attic space
  • Soft spots forming on wood decking inside the attic
  • Structural damage due to broken seals

If ignored, expect mold growth and other structural damage caused by water infiltrating the failed flashing. This issue almost always requires immediate roof repair, so be sure to keep on the lookout for these signs and take action quickly before things get worse.

How to Deal With Failed Flashing

If you do find yourself with failed rooftop flashings, don’t panic. There are two main options available depending on the severity of the situation-either repair or replacement.

Repairs may be sufficient if only small areas need replacing, while larger sections that are damaged might require complete roof replacement. To determine which solution will work for your situation, consult a certified contractor who can evaluate the extent of the damage and recommend appropriate measures accordingly.

If you think you may have a problem with your roof flashing, don’t hesitate to call the professionals at Pritchett Roofing, Inc. We will inspect your roof and determine the best course of action to take for your failed roof flashing. Whether you require a replacement or a simple roof repair in Canton, GA, give us a call today at (770) 345-1622, or fill out our contact form.

Categories: Roofing
Joel Pritchett: