Vital Elements of a Maintainable Commercial Roofing System

Maintaining a commercial roof system is about taking a proactive approach when dealing with problems that may compromise its performance and structural integrity. The idea is to get on top of issues at their early stages before they become so advanced that they wreak havoc on your roof. In doing so, you also get to spend less on repairs.

Facilities managers and property owners, therefore, must do their part in making sure the roofing systems are as maintainable as possible. In today’s post, local roof repair and replacement contractor Pritchett Roofing, Inc. discusses the vital elements that are found in a maintainable commercial roofing system.Roof Access

A commercial roof is considered maintainable if inspectors can easily access it for routine inspections and needed repairs. Then again, excess roof strain may manifest once too many unauthorized individuals can gain access to the roof. Owners and managers must take control over who can get up the building or structure.Pipe Support

Pipelines running along the rooftop require necessary support. A block of wood lying on top of the membrane roof, however, does not count as one. Without the benefit of a proper pipe support system, makeshift materials could wear down and tear apart the membrane. This leads to leaks and other issues that may lead to early roof replacement.Equipment Clearance

Stands are required to support roofing equipment and must adhere to guidelines set forth by the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA). Large-sized equipment requires taller stands. These must also provide enough clearance to let the pros get under the equipment for maintenance and repairs.

Pritchett Roofing, Inc. is comprised of expert commercial roofing specialists who understand how to treat each unique business facility. Apart from repairing and replacing roofs, we also perform roof inspections, diagnosing and addressing all your roofing needs.

We are your local one-stop-shop for all your home improvement needs, including siding, windows and roofing systems. Call (770) 375-2490 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve Woodstock, GA.

Categories: Roofing