Tips for Preparing Your Walls for Vinyl Siding Installation

Siding installation is best done by a professional, but it also helps to know the different steps involved in the process. This way, you can ensure that the job is done correctly.

Pritchett Roofing, Inc., a trusted provider of roof replacement and siding installation services, shares some tips on how you can prepare your walls for vinyl siding installation.

Prep Work for Your Existing Siding

If you will be installing your new siding over the old one, make sure to nail down loose boards and replace rotten ones. Scrape off loose caulk and re-caulk around your doors and windows to protect them against moisture penetration. Moreover, don’t forget to seal all the cracks to make your home airtight.

Sheathing for Vinyl Siding

Ensure a flat, nailable surface for the vinyl siding by applying weather-resistant sheathing over your old siding. Make sure to use high-quality sheathing that has no buckling or warping. Oriented strand board (OSB) is considered the most popular choice of wall sheathing material because it’s serviceable and more affordable than other options.


“Furring” is another way you can ensure a flat, nailable base for your siding. This involves adding spaced 1×2 strips, called “furring”, across the walls and around the perimeters. Then, put small pieces of shingles behind the furring strips. This will even out the surface for you. Take note that if you have horizontal siding, you need to apply the strips vertically. And if you have vertical siding, the strips should be applied horizontally.

Pritchett Roofing, Inc. has been providing superior roofing services since 1981. Our expertise includes roof repair, new roof installation, window replacement, storm damage and others. Call us at (770) 345-1622 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve customers in Woodstock, GA, and surrounding areas.

Categories: Roofing
Joel Pritchett: