Does Water Quality Affect Window Cleaning?

Water quality is often an overlooked aspect of cleaning windows — but how important is it really? In this post, window and roof replacement expert Pritchett Roofing Inc. discusses how the quality of water can potentially affect the result of window cleaning.

How the Quality of Water Can Affect Window Cleaning

Water quality is generally determined by its biological, physical and chemical composition. To test water quality, indicators like pH, odor, color, taste and alkalinity are considered. Water quality tests also check for the presence of metals, bacteria and organic matter.

The level of contamination is usually limited in drinking water, and hard water is considered beneficial for drinking. But when it comes to cleaning, dissolved minerals increase the hardness of water, which can then reduce its effectiveness in cleaning. Magnesium and calcium can reduce the foaming and cleaning effects of soap, and hard deposits may form on surfaces. In the case of windows, deposit buildup can potentially shorten the life span of your window, siding and other home surfaces.

That said, soft water is ideal for window cleaning because it requires less soap to enable the same thoroughness in cleaning. It also eliminates the appearance of spots or streaks on the surface, and it reduces the occurrence of deposit buildup.

To assess water hardness, professionals often use at-home test kits. Many experts also use reverse osmosis as a method of cleaning and purifying water.

When Cleaning Is No Longer Enough

Restoring the appearance of an old window can be a challenge, and sometimes no amount of cleaning can bring it back to its former glory. In this case, you might want to consider window replacement, especially if your window has been around for many years. Have a professional take a look at your window to get a thorough assessment of its condition. This way, you can figure out the best action to take.

Pritchett Roofing Inc. is a full-service roofing company that specializes in roof repair, storm damage, window installation, and more. We go above and beyond to provide the best results for every project. Call us at (770) 345-1622 or fill out our contact form to request an estimate. We serve customers in Woodstock, GA.

Categories: Roofing
Joel Pritchett: